Volkswagen’s gift to the Museum will help preserve Auschwitz for future generations
On 23 February 2018, a new car was donated to the Museum at the head office of Volkswagen in Wolfsburg, which will support the work of conservators at the Memorial. The cooperation between the Auschwitz Museum and Volkswagen has been going on for over two decades, and the significant element is the joint visits of German and Polish youth, who among others, assist in various works aimed at preserving the authenticity of post-camp relics.
“From the Heart of Hell”. Publication with manuscripts of Załmen Gradowski, a member of Sonderkommando at Auschwitz.
„From the Heart of Hell. Manuscripts of a Sonderkommando Prisoner, Found in Auschwitz” is a shattering testimony of the extermination of Jews at the German Nazi Auschwitz camp. The text of manuscripts made by Załmen Gradowski was published in English, Polish, German, French, Spanish and Italian and is based on a new translation from Yiddish.
International Summer Academy 2018 - Call for Participants
The International Centre for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust calls for enrollment to the 6th edition of the International Summer Academy in English, which will take place 4-10 August 2018 at the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau. The seminar is addressed to teachers, educators, historians, employees of memorial sites and all those interested in the history of the II World War and the Holocaust.
"What has happened to us?" Article by the Auschwitz Memorial director for the 73rd anniversary of liberation in European press
For the 73rd anniversary of liberation of the German Nazi Auschwitz camp the director of the Memorial wrote an article that was published in many European newspapers. The text appeared in printed or/and online version of the following newspapers: "Le Soir" (Belgium), "Hospodárské noviny" (Czechia), "Le Monde" (France), "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" (Germany), "Népszava" (Hungary), "Haaretz" (Israel), "La Repubblica" (Italy), "Gazeta Wyborcza" (Poland) "Kommiersant" (Russia), "SME" (Slovakia), "El Pais" (Spain), "La Liberté" (Switzerland) and "Népszava" (Hungary).
73rd Anniversary of the Liberation of the German Nazi Auschwitz camp
On January 27, more than 60 Auschwitz survivors met at the site of the former Birkenau camp to commemorate the 73nrd anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp. The President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda has assumed honorary patronage of the event.