The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum and Memorial should be accessible to anyone interested in visiting
We are gradually introducing various solutions and tools to make the Museum more accessible. Our projects and events cater to the diverse needs of those interested in the history of the camp.
Detailed and valuable information for persons with varying disabilities can be found in the tabs below.
Should you encounter any difficulties during your visit, we kindly ask that you submit an accessibility request.
Please send any comments to the accessibility coordinator (Alicja Wójcik, , +48 33 844 8064, +48 797 127 578).
- Additional information for persons with mobility difficulties
- Additional information for visually impaired persons
- Additional information for deaf and hard of hearing persons
- Additional information for people with intellectual disabilities
- General information about the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in easy-to-read and understand text (ETR text)