Work has been completed on the modernisation of the warehouses for post-camp textiles
Nearly 400 striped uniforms worn by prisoners of the German Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz, including 250 tallitot, civilian and children's clothes belonging to camp victims, primarily Jews deported for extermination, will be transferred to the modernised textile warehouse. The project was financed by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation.
18 paintings by former Sonderkommando prisoner David Olère enriched the Collections of the Auschwitz Memorial
The Collections of the Auschwitz Memorial have been enriched with 18 unique paintings by David Olère, a French Jew of Polish descent, Auschwitz prisoner and member of the Sonnderkomando, who portrayed in his post-war works, the tragedy of people murdered in the gas chambers of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Italian edition of the “Epitaph”. Director Piotr Cywiński was a guest at the Literary Festival in Mantua
On the occasion of the Italian edition of the book “Epitaph”, the director of the Auschwitz Museum Piotr M.A. Cywiński, PhD was the guest of one of the largest literary festivals in the world, held each year in the Italian city of Mantua. The book was released by the Bollati Boringhieri publishing house under the title “Non c’è una fine. Trasmettere la memoria di Auschwitz” translated by Carlo Greppi.
Recovered identity
Seminar for Israeli educators
On 16-27 July 2017, the International Centre for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum organised another edition of the seminar “Auschwitz in the collective consciousness in Poland and the world. The role and significance of the Auschwitz-Birkenau memory for Jews and Poles” addressed to Israeli educators. 18 persons attended the seminar - guides and employees of institutions that deal with the topic of the Holocaust.
76th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of St. Maximilian Kolbe
The Franciscan priest Maximilian Maria Kolbe was killed 76 years ago in the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz. A solemn Mass was celebrated on the anniversary of this event at Block 11, which housed the prison camp where the clergy was murdered. Several hundred-people attended the ceremony, including former prisoners of Auschwitz. The Mass was presided over by the auxiliary bishop of Bielsko-Żywiec diocese, Piotr Greger.