Not an Auschwitz supermarket but...
The future of the former Krupp factory
The Itlagroup corporation has purchased almost five hectares of land, including buildings, which belonged to the now-liquidated Oświęcim Vehicle Repair Works on Leszczyńska Street in Oświęcim. During the occupation, this industrial land was the site of slave labor by men and women Auschwitz Concentration Camp prisoners in factories belonging to Krupp A.G. Werke and, later, to Weichsel Metall-Union Werk.
Certificates for 52 graduates. "Totalitarianism, Nazism, and the Holocaust" for a third time
Fifty-two graduates received certificates on completion of the "Totalitarianism, Nazism, and the Holocaust" post-graduate course, which is organized by the Museum and the KEN Pedagogical Academy in Cracow. Academy rector Michał Śliwa handed out the certificates in the presence of the course director, Prof. Wacław Długoborski, and Museum vice-director Krystyna Oleksy.