Discussing the Buffer Zone
The Italians Are Still Waiting
The March of the Living in Oświęcim
For the eleventh time, Jews came from all over the world to pay tribute to the victims who were murdered in Auschwitz Concentration Camp. As is traditional, the march began with the blowing of the shofar, after which the participants walked the three kilometers from the "Arbeit macht frei" gate to the ruins of the Birkenau gas chambers.
Two Experiences of Danger and War
Uproar in Oświęcim
Oświęcim municipal authorities are in an uproar over the recent protest by the Wiesenthal Center against the construction of a commercial complex at the tannery site. The local government sees the protest as an attack on the right of the local government to make decisions about the future of the city, and reaffirms that Oświęcim, a city of 45,000 with a rich, 800-year-long history, has the right to normal life and municipal development.
Women in Auschwitz Concentration Camp