Dina Gottliebova - Further Developments
Members of the United States Congress began an energetic campaign calling on Poland to return the paintings by the former Auschwitz prisoner. Nevada Representative Shelley Berkley (D) read an appeal in the House for Poland and the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum to return seven works left behind in the camp to 76-year-old Dina Gottliebova-Babbitt, who painted them.
The Torah in the Oswiecim Synagogue
The 55th Anniversary of the Liquidation of the Gypsy Camp
Ceremonies marking the 55th anniversary of the liquidation of the so called Gypsy camp were attended by Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, Polish Senate Speaker Alicja Grzeskowiak, Polish Roma Association president Roman Kwiatkowski, German Central Roma Council chairman Romani Rose, Israeli ambassador to Poland Ygal Anebi, and other representativces of Roma organizations and the diplomatic community.
A Conference on the Forced Labor Issue
Prof. Waclaw Dlugoborski attended a conference on the issue of forced labor in the Third Reich and reparations for the victims, organized at the Buchenwald Museum and Memorial near Weimar by the German government expert on these reparations, Prof. Lutz of the Schiller University in Jena. Prof. Długoborski chaired the Section I session on the definition and types of forced labor.