"To warn against indifference". Project "Auschwitz - History - Civic Education” in prisons.
The project "Auschwitz - History - Civic Education" poses several questions to its participants, including the significance of raising awareness about the disregard for human dignity, the potential consequences of contemptuous and hateful language, and the lessons to be learned from the tragic history of Auschwitz for today's witnesses of evil. The subsequent edition in 2022/23 attracted the participation of over 100 inmates and more than 700 officers from the Polish Police, Prison Service, and Fire Service.
Session of the Board of the International Centre for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust
The App “Auschwitz - in front of your eyes”, which allows people worldwide to take guided tours of the former camp online, was the central topic of discussion at the Council of the International Centre for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust session held on 7 November in Oswiecim. Tomasz Kranz, PhD, chaired the session.
Memoria Magazine no. 73