Geoffrey Hoon in Auschwitz. A Computer for the Archives
The British Embassy has donated a Pentium III computer worth approximately 12,000 zloty ($4,000) to the Museum. The computer was installed in the office of the director of the Archives, where it will function as the server for the archival network and facilitate coordination of work on a catalogue of the resources there.
The Destruction of the Jews of Jedwabne in the Light of Press Reports. Training for Guides
New Information System for Auschwitz I-Main Camp. Historical and Memorial Description of Auschwitz
Polish Educators at Yad Vashem
Another course in the series organized by the Yad Vashem Memorial Institute in cooperation with the Museum was held in Israel from November 16 to 30. The 34 participants from Poland included two Museum staff members. Most of the group were history teachers. There were also Polish teachers, priests, and several guides from the Auschwitz Birkenau Memorial.