The Legacy of the Holocaust - Children and the Holocaust. Survivors at the Memorial
Participants in a conference on "The Legacy of the Holocaust - Children and the Holocaust," organized in Cracow by the Jagiellonian University English Philology Institute and cooperating American universities from May 24-27, visited Auschwitz. Participants in the conference, including children of former prisoners of Auschwitz and other death camps, listened to a lecture by Helena Kubica on "Children and Young People in Auschwitz Concentration Camp."
Sauna Building open to Visitors. New permanent exhibition
The so-called Central Sauna building, the biggest object on the grounds of the former Birkenau camp, was rendered accessible to visitors. It will also comprise the permanent exposition with family photographs of Jews, who were deported to the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. In this building, which went into use in late 1943, newly arrived prisoners, mainly Jews, were registered and subjected to disinfection before being exploited as slave laborers. In fact, these prisoners were deprived of their own identities and transformed from people into numbers. This was where the Nazis began what can be defined as an attempt at dehumanization. Visitors can learn about the function and history of the object by walking through the rooms in the same order as the victims were forced to do.
The Tenth March of the Living. Yom Ha-Shoa in Auschwitz
In line with tradition, the tenth March of the Living was held on Yom Ha-Shoa, Holocaust Victims Commemoration Day, which fell on Thursday, April 19, this year. As on previous occasions, participants included young Jewish people from all over the world, and especially from Israel, the USA, Canada, and Europe.
They won't be dancing. Discotheque ruled illegal
The governor of Małopolska province yesterday withdrew permission for the construction and use of the discotheque that was set up last August on the site of the Oświęcim tannery where prisoners from the Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp labored and were killed during the war (for the Museum's opinion on the matter, see "August" in "Latest News 2000.").
Several villages were pulled down. The Anniversary of the Expulsion of the Residents of Brzezinka
A memorial plaque was unveiled near the site of the Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp on the sixtieth anniversary of the deportation by the Nazis of the residents of Brzezinka. During his first visit to Auschwitz in March 1941, Heinrich Himmler decided to expand the Auschwitz Main Camp and to build a new camp, Birkenau, with a capacity of 100,000 prisoners. Over the next two months, the civilian residents of the villages of Pławy, Babice, Broszkowice, Brzezinka, Budy, Harmęże, and Rajsko were evicted from their homes.