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Other groups

The Auschwitz Museum carries out educational programs directed to representatives of various professional groups, including Government officials, diplomats, lawyers, or the uniformed services. Furthermore, an important area of our activities is the education of socially excluded groups.

Within these projects, you can take advantage of a visit to the Auschwitz Memorial Site, enriched with selected educational activities such as lectures, workshops, multimedia presentations or video lectures. For a better understanding of the history of Auschwitz it is worth using the specially prepared online lessons and numerous publications.

The Museum also organizes numerous conferences and thematic sessions dedicated to the subject of Auschwitz and the Holocaust, addressed to representatives of different professional groups. 

In addition, we encourage you to engage in Voluntary activities, supporting the preservation of the memory of Auschwitz.

"To Save from Oblivion" – Study Visits for International Youth Groups on the 80th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation

The International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust (ICEAH) invites school youth groups aged 14-18 from outside of Poland to participate in the "To Save from Oblivion"program.

New online lesson and podcast focus on strategies of lies and distortion of Holocaust deniers

A new online lesson and podcast, prepared by the International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust (ICEAH), delve into the strategies employed by Holocaust deniers to spread misinformation and falsehoods about the history of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz.

Webinar: "The Beginnings of the Functioning of the Auschwitz Memorial", February 26

The International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust (ICEAH) invites you to a webinar, "The Beginnings of the Functioning of the Auschwitz Memorial," on February 26.

Memoria Magazine no. 88

'Memoria' is an online magazine dedicated to the history of Auschwitz, the Holocaust as well as memory and education around the world.

Recognition for Google for Supporting Education at the Auschwitz Memorial

Google, a technological partner of the Auschwitz Museum and the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation, has been recognized as one of the benefactors supporting the educational mission of the Memorial.
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