They watched the buffer zone. UNESCO in Auschwitz and in Oswiecim
Peter King, chairman of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, made a two-day visit to the Museum. He was accompanied by members of ICOMOS (the International Council of Monuments and Sites - the international non-governmental organization responsible for setting standards in the heritage conservation community) and representatives of the international commission of experts who will advise on solving problems connected with the Museum buffer zone and with establishing a pedestrian connection between the Auschwitz and Birkenau sites.
On the first day, they familiarized themselves with the topography of the memorial sites and visited the city of Oswiecim. On the second day there was a conference attended by the Museum administration and representatives of local government and the provincial governor's office, during which all parties agreed in principle on how they will cooperate.
Emphasis was placed on the fact that the only document defining the buffer zone is the statute of May 7, 1999, which provides for a zone of 100 meters outside the boundaries of the Museum. Also underlined were the need to respect the interests of the local community while taking into account the perception of the death-camp site by the international community.
The meeting was called by Professor Bartoszewski, chairman of the International Auschwitz Council.