Judentransport aus den Niederlanden - Lager Westerbork
Westerbork is a Dutch city, known from the tragic fate of the Jewish community in this country during the II WW. At the end of 1941, Nazis decided to locate in Westerbork so called transit camp, from which the mass transports of Jewish people were sent to camps in the east of Europe. Most of them were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, but also to Sobibor, Theresienstadt and Bergen-Belsen. More than 55.000 Jews were deported to KL Auschwitz in mass transports.
Database of Dutch Jews of transports from Westerbork to Auschwitz include more than 46 000 people in 51 separate transportlists. These convoys were arriving to Auschwitz-Birkenau since 15 July 1942 till 23 February 1943. Majority of the deportees were murdered in the gas chambers immediately after selection on the unloading ramp - we do not know their names. The rest were registered as a prisoners in the camp, but only a small group of them managed to survived and get back homes.