Historical pictures and documents
Władysław Bartoszewski
The camp photo of Władysław Bartoszewski
First transport of Polish prisoners to Auschwitz
Prisoners from the first transport to KL Auschwitz at the train station in Tarnów (among them were some Jews)
Józef Szajna
Józef Szajna, prisoner number 18 729
Lena Mańkowska
Camp photo of Lena Mańkowska.
Maria Kotarba
Camp photo of Maria Kotarba.
Displacement of Poles from Zamość region
Prisoners at work, 1942. Muzeum Zamojskie
Poles in Tarnów
Tarnów—Polish political prisoners awaiting for the transport to KL Auschwitz
Maksymilian Maria Kolbe
Maksymilian Maria Kolbe
Displacement of Jews from Oświęcim
Oświęcim in 1941. Jews are being displaced to nearby ghettos. Later majority of them will die in gas chambers in Auschwitz camp.
Displacement of Jews from Oświęcim
Oświęcim in 1941. Jews are being displaced to nearby ghettos. Later majority of them will die in gas chambers in Auschwitz camp.
Anna Frank
Anna Frank
Female prisoner of Auschwitz, name unknown. Camp number Z-63598, arrived on October 10, 1943.
Photo of an unknown prisoner
One of a few remaining pictures from Gypsy camp.
Prisoner of the Gypsy camp
Author: Dina Gottliebova
One of water colours made by order of camp doctor Dr Josef Mengele showing a female prisoner from Gypsy camp.Jozi Chajdarow
A photo of Jozi Chajdarow, Soviet PWO from Uzbekistan who died in KL Auschwitz on March 4, 1942.
Soviet POWs
Heinrich Himmler visiting on of the Soviet POWs camp in Bellarus in summer 1941.
Soviet POWs
Nazis murdered about 15 000 Soviet POWs in KL Auschwitz.
Boy from Ukraine
A boy from Ukraine with camp number 58076, arrested in KL Auschwitz as Ukrainian political prisoner.
Female prisoner from the Netherlands
A Dutch female prisoner with camp number 25 563 and marked with IBV sumbol (Internationale Bibelforscher-Vereinigung — the Jehova wintess)
Witold Pilecki
The camp photo of Witold Pilecki, the founder of resistant movement in KL Auschwitz.