Historical pictures and documents
A syringe from the hospital in KL Auschwitz.
Documentation of experiments
A hand of a prisoner with signs of an experiment made by Dr Emil Kaschub. He used various toxic substances to inject and see what it causes. The aim of his "research" was to find methods of faking injuries among German soldiers.
Children—victims of experiments
Children, victims of Dr Josef Mengele's experiments. Picture taken in camp photo studio.
Drawing of an iris
A drawing requested by Dr Josef Mengele showing a case of heterochromia iridium (different colour of an iris)
Josef Mengele
SS doctor, Dr Josef Mengele
Carl Clauberg
Carl Clauberg, a German doctor performing sterilisation experiments on femal prisoners of KL Auschwitz.
Documentation of experiments
A photo taken by the members of Soviet medical team documenting criminal experiments performed on prisoners in the camp.