Historical pictures and documents
Bonus list
Lists of bonuses for prisoners(Prämienscheine) of Fischteiche 1B workgropu. They were given for completed work between June 3 - September 9, 1944 and made by the capo of the group Jan Konkłowicz (camp no. 18966)
Page from the morgue book
Lists of numbrers of prisoners who died in KL Auschwitz gathered in 4 books. The lists contain: date, serial number, prisoner's camp number, number of block from where the body was brought and a signature of the prisoner making the record.
Report on removal of gold teeth
The reports contain: date, prisoner's camp number, sometimes the name, number of removed teeth divided to made of gold and other precious metals and a total number of removed teeth. Some reports had two copies.
Report on removal of gold teeth
The reports contain: date, prisoner's camp number, sometimes the name, number of removed teeth divided to made of gold and other precious metals and a total number of removed teeth. Some reports had two copies.
Prisoner personal card
There are 5309 such cards regarding only Jewish prisoners
Prisoner personal card
There are 5309 such cards regarding only Jewish prisoners
Soviet POWs file
Each file is divided into three parts: the first contains prisoners' camp numbers and POW number; the second contains personal data; the first contains information on the date of arrival, release or death of a prisoner.
Page from the officer on duty book
A record from October 9, 1942
Telegram sent after an escape
A telegram sent on February 24, 1943 after the escape of Andriej (Andreas) Haszpurenko from Russia.
Telegram sent after an escape
A telegram sent on January 23, 1943 after the escape of Charlie Wolman.
Page from the daily numbers book
A page from the daily numbers book. The book contains reports made by Häftlingsschreibstube KL Auschwitz (before each roll-call) that reported numbers of prisoners in the camp.
Punishment report
A punishment report for Icek Schultz
Punishment report
A punishment report for David Werner made because of contacts with civilians.
Punishment report
A punishment report for Marie Tajfelbaum. It wanted 5 nights in standing cell for picking an apple.
Order of departure to Dessau for Cyclon B
The order of departure to Dessau for Cyclon B, gas used to kill people in gas chambers, from July 30, 1943.
Order of departure to Łódź
An order of departure to Łódź to see instalations for burning people in open air which were used in the extermination camp Kulmhof (Chełmno).
Order of departure to Dessau for Cyclon B
An order of departure for 5 tons track to Dessau for "materials for Jewish resettlement" from October 2, 1942. In Dessau there was a factory producing Cyclon B, which was used to kill people in gas chambers.
Zugangsliste Juden (a list of Jewish newcomers)
There are 185 pages of lists of Jewish newcomers from different periods and places in the Museum Archives.
Zugangsliste (a list of Jewish newcomers)
In the Museum Archives there are 252 lists of newcomers from different periods. Each list contains: date, date of registration, camp number, prisoner category, names and surnames, date and place of birth and occulation.
Death certificate of Polish prisonerJanusz Pogonowski (in the camp as Janusz Skrzetuski)
Telegram considering transit of Slovak Jews
A telegraom from Slovak railways from October 19, 1942 considering transit of Jews deported to KL Auschwitz through the border station in Zwardoń.
Car order for the "writing letter action"
A car order for SS-Untersturmführer Hartenberger from RSHA to visit Auschwitz subcamps for the "writing letter action". Jewish prisoners were forced to write letters containing a standard formula "I am well and I feel all right".
List of prisoners workgroups
A list of prisoner workgroups from Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp. There are numbers from workgroups 57B and 60B "Heizer" (stokers) working on daily and night shifts in crematories I-IV.
Order of departure to Dessau for Cyclon B
An order of departure for track to Dessau for "materials for Jewish resettlement" from October 2, 1942. In Dessau there was a factory producing Cyclon B, which was used to kill people in gas chambers.
Report on shooting a Hungarian Jew
A report on shooting a Hungarian Jew while trying to escape in the Auschwitz subcamp in Goleszów.
List of prisoners selected to the gas chambers
The third page of the list of 394 female Jewish prisoners selected to the gas chambers on November 19, 1943. It was signed by the camp commander SS-Untersturmführer Hössler.
Phenol request
A request to the pharmacy in KL Auschwitz for 5 kilos of phenol signed by SS-sanitary Josef Klehr.
Hospital register
Pages from Block 20 register (camp hospital). Red crosses in the last columns mean death of patients.
Report of prisoner resistance group
A report of prisoner resistance about the number of prisoners in KL Auschwitz on August 21, 1944.
Document considering hiring workforce
Telegram considering hiring workforce
Telegram considering hiring workforce
Telegram considering hiring workforce
Telegram considering hiring workforce
Illegal letter from camp resistance
A letter sent on January 23, 1944 to Teresa Lasocka in Cracow by the camp resistance organization informing about numbers of death and victims of selection at the camp hospital in Auschwitz between February 1943 and January 1944.
Police report on the revolt in Sonderkommando
A report from a local police station in Oświęcim considering the revolt of prisoners from the Sonderkommando on October 7, 1944.
Los Angeles Times on crimes in KL Auschwitz
A press article in Los Angeles Times from March 22, 1944 informing about crimes commited in KL Auschwitz.
Page from Soviet POWs death book
The opening page of the Soviet POWs death book. Inscriptions "unknown" in the name column means prisoners who died during transportation or were unconscious and could not answer questions during registration procedure.
File of Paweł Gurianow
A file of Soviet POW Paweł Gurianow. He was brought to the camp on October 7, 1941. He died on December 3.
Zugangsliste (transport list)
A list of newcomers from May 29, 1941. Within this transport there was saint Maksymilian Kolbe (Rajmund Maria) who received number 16670.
Map of Oświęcim
A map of Oświęcim from the middle of 1942 including a designed ring-road.
Registry card of an evacuated prisoner
The card of Zygmunt Dusza evacuated from KL Auschwitz to KL Mauthausenon December 4, 1944.
Coke request
Request for 35 tons of coke for the crematories.
Report on the number of female prisoners on October 4, 1944
So-called Quarantine list
A page from the so-called Quarantine list with names of prisoners deported to KL Auschwitz at the end od 1943 and the beginning of 1944.
Page from the daily numbers book
A page from the daily numbers book with the number of prisoners in the camp on February 17, 1942 including prisoners who died before the morning roll-call (Verstorbene Häftlinge) and partly before the evening roll-call.
Request for examination of a 12 year old boy's head
The request for hystopathological examination of "a head from a body of 12 year old boy" delivered from the hospital at Sector BIIe (Gypsy camp) in Birkenau in SS Hygene Institute in Rajsko from June 29, 1944.
List of liberated children
The first page of a list prepared by staff of hospital for prisoners created in Auschwitz I right after the liberation. The list from March 9, 1945 includes "children without parents", partly twins who were victims of experiment of Dr Josef Mengele.
Registry book of the Gypsy camp
A page from the registry book of the Gypsy camp; the visible damage was make because of humidity. The document was hidden undergound in Birkenau by three Polish prisoners working at the camp registration office.
Map of the so-called "camp interest zone"
The map of the "KL Auschwitz interest zone" from February 1941. There is also a design of the so-called Schutzhaftlagererweiterung, camp in Birkenau and (marked in red) the side-track of the camp running from the train station in Oświęcim.
Expansion of the camp
A never realised project of the "new commandant office" which was to be build at the Topolowa Street next to Auschwitz I camp.
Map of Auschwitz I
One of the first existing maps of Auschwitz I, probably from the middle of 1940. Two-floor buildins are marked in green.
Camp interest zone
A colorful map of the "camp interest zone".
List of telephone numbers in KL Auschwitz III
An order with the list of telephone numbers in different subcamps of KL Auschwitz III.
Secret report considering bombing of KL Auschwitz
A secret report of Polish government in exile in Londo from 1941 mentioning bombing KL Auschwitz.
Scores for "Buna song"
The song "Buna" composed in the cap by Fritz Lohner.
Prisoner personal card
Registry book of the Gypsy camp
A piece of the registry book of the Gypsy camp in Birkenau hid by prisoners and dug out in 1949.
Hygiene Institute documents
Some documents from SS Hygene Institute. There are more than 39 000 of them in the Museum Archives
Signature of Josef Mengele
Signature of Dr Josef Mengele on one of the documents kept in Museum Archives