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Memory Books

  • Księga Pamięci. Transporty Polaków z Warszawy do KL Auschwitz 1940-1944 [Memorial Book: Transports of Poles from Warsaw to Auschwitz 1940-1944] was published in 2000. It contains approximately 26 thousand entries on men, women, and children from Warsaw and Mazovia, including some 13 thousand deported to Auschwitz from Pawiak prison after being arrested in street roundups or in operations against the resistance movement, and another 13 thousand deported from the transit camp in Pruszków after the fall of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944.
  • Księga Pamięci. Transporty Polaków do KL Auschwitz z Krakowa i innych miejscowości Polski południowej 1940-1944 [Memorial Book: Transports of Poles to Auschwitz from Cracow and Other Localities in Southern Poland 1940-1944] was published in 2002. It is dedicated to the approximately 18 thousand Poles sent to Auschwitz by the German Security Police from prisons in Cracow (Montelupich), Tarnów, Wiśnica Nowy, Rzeszów, Muszyna, Nowy Sącz, Sanok, Nowy Targ, and Zakopane. The list opens with the first transport of political prisoners from the prison in Tarnów, made up of 728 people, mostly young Polish patriots. The date of its arrival in Auschwitz, June 14, 1940, is regarded as the date when the camp was founded.
  • Transporty Polaków do KL Auschwitz z Radomia i innych miejscowości Kielecczyzny 1940-1944 [Memorial Book: Transports of Poles to Auschwitz from Radom and Other Localities in the Kielce Region 1940-1944] was published in late 2005 and contains information on approximately 16 thousand Poles deported to Auschwitz from the occupation-era Radom District, mainly from the prisons in Radom, Kielce, Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Piotrków, Końskie, Sandomierz, and Pińczów, where they were held after being arrested during roundups, searches, and entrapment operations on the streets, on trains, and at train stations.
  • Księga Pamięci Mieszkańcy Śląska, Podbeskidzia, Zagłębia Dąbrowskiego (The Memorial Book of the Residents of Silesia, Podbeskidzie and Dąbrowskie Basin) was published in 1998 by the Katowice Division of Auschwitz Preservation Society. Author of the book is PhD eng. Irena Pająk.
  • The book is devoted to residents of Upper Silesian province directed to Auschwitz between 1940 and 1945 by the security police, from prisons in Katowice, via so called collective transports. It also includes last names of police prisoners convicted by the drumhead court-martial and of correctional prisoners. The book presents 27 380 records, including 17 023 positions of identified prisoners, men and women with at least a last name in the documentation. The remaining 10 350 positions are just numbers, hiding individuals that were stolen their identity. Only sometimes there is a date of death at them.
  • Księga Pamięci. Transporty Polaków do KL Auschwitz z Lublina i innych miejscowości Lubelszczyzny 1940-1944 (The Memorial Book. Transports of Poles to KL Auschwitz from Lublin and other cities of Lubelszczyzna 1940 - 1944) was published in 2009. It commemorates 7199 female and male Poles deported to KL Auschwitz by offices of security police of Lublin district in 37 transports. The Lublin district was to play a role of "a spine of agricultural economy of the General Government", and significant territories of Zamojszczyzna were devoted for German settlement.
  • The Wielkopolska Region Memorial Book
  • Transports of Poles to KL Auschwitz from the voivodships of Wielkopolska Region, Pomerania, Ciechanów and Białystok by Bohdan Piętka (a historian from The Education Center). It is the last memorial book dedicated to the Poles deported to KL Auschwitz, this time from the western and northern lands incarnated to The Third Reich during German occupation. The Greater Poland Memorial Book contains lists of 78 women and men’s transports deported through Sipo outposts and SD from cities of Łódź, Poznań, Bydgoszcz, Inowrocław, Kalisz, Sieradz, Białystok, Gdańsk and Ciechanów. Each transport contains prisoners’ last names tables, historical description and documents’ copies and biographic entries